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Com o Cherry Brandy 190g, você conhece toda a qualidade que os chocolates Kopenhagen tem a oferecer. O Bombom é recheado com cereja macerada em calda de açúcar, vinho, canela e licor Cherry Brandy, além de ser coberto por duas camadas de fondant com licor, conhaque e chocolate ao leite. Experimente e se apaixone!


With the Cherry Brandy 190g, you will get to know all the quality that Kopenhagen chocolates have to offer. The truffle is stuffed with cherry macerated in sugar syrup, wine, cinnamon and Cherry Brandy liqueur, in addition to being covered by two layers of fondant with liqueur, cognac and milk chocolate. Try it and fall in love!

Cherry Brandy 190G

SKU: 1102005901

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