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Demonstre seu amor com os chocolates Kopenhagen! Com as Garrafinhas de Chocolate com Licor, você presenteia com todo o sabor da união perfeita entre chocolate e licor. Os sabores de licor disponíveis são: Framboesa, Anis, Whisky, Conhaque, Cachaça, Contreau e Cereja. Todas cobertas com muito chocolate ao leite!


Show your love with Kopenhagen chocolates! With the Bottles of Chocolate with Liqueur, you give  all the flavor of the perfect union between chocolate and liqueur. The liquor flavors are: Raspberry, Anis, Whiskey, Cognac, Cachaça, Contreau and Cherry. All covered in lots of milk chocolate!

Little Bottles 140g

SKU: 1102007101

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